High Profile Architectural Mouldings
architectural mouldings exterior

Expanded Polystyrene Moulding

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is widely used for several applications, from a protective packaging for consumer electronic products, to use in the construction industry to create architectural mouldings which decorate the exterior of your home.  


The shock absorbency of expanded polystyrene comes into its own when it is used in the manufacture of children’s car seats, where its protective qualities (strength and shock-absorbency) are vital.These qualities, however, are also very beneficial when creating exterior architectural design mouldings with EPS. Expanded Polystyrene Moulding will not rot and is safe from pests like termites and vermin.  

Most new builds and renovation projects use rendering to give a modern finish to a home, architectural mouldings made from EPS can add a welcoming layer of style, class and curb appeal to a home’s exterior. 


Expanded Polystyrene Mouldings can provide a design focal point by contouring or outlining edges and surfaces such as a cornice, architrave, arch, or column. The surface of a moulding is modelled with recesses and reliefs, which either maintain a constant profile or are set in repeated patterns.  


One of the many benefits of using polystyrene to create interesting architectural profiles is the precision that the hotwire cutting technique brings to detail the shape and the base of the moulding. Its inherent lightweight and moisture resistant nature means that your architectural profiles will be easier to move, safer to handle and highly durable.  


With expanded polystyrene, you can add a touch of your own personality to the exterior of your home ensuring long term durability with unmatched style and sophistication. The applications of EPS are endless! Ranging from creating decorative door mouldings, a fancy window trim or modern window hoods, to creating chimney mouldings and ornate cornices.

Your home is your pride and joy, it reflects your personality. Discover how High Profile Architectural Mouldings can improve the look and feel of your property. Visit our website today or give us a call on (07) 5568 0036