When sprucing up your home’s exterior, it is important to also consider the smaller jobs that could actually make a huge impact to the look of your home. You know what they say, the beauty is in the details. Decorative door mouldings may not seem all that important. However, you’d be surprised at how much the right moulding can bring together the entire design and drastically enhance a houses aesthetics.
What are Decorative Door Mouldings?
Before I answer that question, let’s take a step back and talk about what decorative mouldings are in general. As the name suggests, they are a form of ‘decoration’. Despite not really serving a functional purpose, they can work wonders when it comes to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home. So, as you have probably already guessed, a decorative door moulding does this for the front door of your house.
These mouldings can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, plaster, and cement moulding. In saying this, there is usually a focus on keeping the weight as light as possible. Here at HPAM we like to use hard-coated Expanded Polystyrene, also known as EPS, and trust us when we say it’s the best. We use it to create all our products and are so confident in it that we back ourselves by offering a 7-year replacement warranty. What makes us trust EPS so much? It’s because polystyrene is in-expensive, durable, light, and very easy to shape, cut and mould meaning its design capabilities are far greater than other materials. So, when using this product on your doors, it won’t create a heavy feel and motion when opening and closing the door.
Why Consider Door Mouldings?
There are so many reasons as to why enhancing the appearance of your front door is a good idea. What’s the first thing your friends, family and other guests see right before entering your home? Your door! What’s something you use every day? Your door! Therefore, it just makes sense to make this as aesthetically appealing as possible. How do you do this? WITH A DECORATIVE DOOR MOULDING!
If you are currently thinking something along the lines of ‘why wouldn’t I just buy a new door’. Well, firstly doors can be expensive, especially if you want a high quality one. Additionally, it can sometimes be hard to find something in the exact style you have in mind. With a door moulding made from EPS on the other hand, it can be created to match your exact design. Oh, and did we mention it would be a lot cheaper… and when we say that we mean A LOT! Give your old door a complete style make-over.
Looking for high quality, exterior decorative door mouldings? High Profile Architectural Mouldings have a wide range of exterior mouldings for you to choose from. For all your architecturally designed home exterior needs and installations on the Gold Coast, High Profile Architectural Mouldings can assist you with designer creations. Contact us today at info@highprofilemouldings.com.au or call us at 07 5568 0036.