The material polystyrene has been used to produce gorgeous home exteriors for over a decade. It is a preferred material of builders, engineers and quantity surveyors. Here is why:
Reason #1 Why Polystyrene Beats Timber In Making Your House Unique
It is super affordable. This is why quantity surveyors love it! And if a quantity surveyor loves it, then your bank account will love it too. Not only is it an affordable purchase, it is a sensible financial outlay as it has a long term outlook and does not require reinvestment in the short and medium term. The architectural mouldings made in polystyrene, and then coated with polyurethane elastomer is designed to last, designed to withstand weather damage, and is designed to enhance your homes appearance. Timber is expensive, as it’s harder to obtain due to forests being depleted globally, it is heavy to transport, it has higher costs of wastage (sections you can’t use), it needs drying kilns, and if not properly installed or created, can and will deteriorate over time. Real timber is beautiful, but financially, it can come a burden when needing to constantly maintain or replace due to weather damage.
Reason #2 Why Polystyrene Beats Timber In Making Your House Unique
The product is light, therefore it is easier for the contractors and artisans to work with. They can work faster due to its lightweight and quick and easy installation. Lifting cranes are not needed for larger pieces and less labour is required. It also doesn’t need engineering plans for joining it to structures as the load disbursement is negligible.
Reason #3 Why Polystyrene Beats Timber In Making Your House Unique
Polystyrene is rated globally as one of the leaders in insulation. It is used to line shipping containers that are travelling across the hot equator. It provides stable reading and is not affected by high humidity. It beats timber hands down, and with its textured finishes, it looks like a painted timber product without needing any timber involved. Leaving your neighbours impressed with the look of your new architectural mouldings.
Reason #4 Why Polystyrene Beats Timber In Making Your House Unique
It is waterproof. It doesn’t need sanding, sealing and/or varnishing every 6 to 12 months. If you don’t maintain your timber every 6 to 12 months, then it will crack, distort, expand or just rot. However, moulding polystyrene that are coated with polyurethane elastomer, giving it a hard-coasted exterior, seals the product from the elements and leaves it damage resistant. Polystyrene mouldings by HPAM are sun and weather resistant, waterproof, stain resistant and easy to clean if they do become dirty.
Reason #5 Why Polystyrene Beats Timber In Making Your House Unique
For this we go back to the superhero qualities. It is flexible and absorbs vibrations. So firstly, it can cope with a building expanding and contracting under daily weather, such as hard sun rays thanks to the sunny Gold Coast’s summer weather. The vibration absorption is so good that they have mixed polystyrene into the concrete foundations of tall buildings, like the bank of Hong Kong, so that when earth tremors and earthquakes hit the building can withstand them for longer.
The strength of the foundation is not weakened by the addition of polystyrene in the foundation, it is strengthened. Which is why polystyrene is our go to favourite, safe, gorgeous, easy to install and sophisticated!
We hope that you are now as excited as we are about our gorgeous polystyrene products. They will make your home beautiful; they will make it warmer and quieter while spending less money and time on the whole process.
Contact our helpful team of experts today, cause if you imagine it, we can create it! High Profile Architectural Mouldings is ready to assist you today in finding your unique home look! Contact us today at 07 5568 0036 or email us at for advice on how we can best help you in building a unique look for your home.